Brigham Young University (BYU) offers a variety of BYU online courses. Some are teacher-led, which means you get direct instruction and one-on-one mentoring. Others are more independent, with advanced features and technology to make your learning productive. Regardless of instruction type, these courses offer a wide range of topics and have student homepages, easy access to grades, and a program calendar. Some are part of a degree program, some are stand alone and offer credits or certificates, and some are simply informational. Below you will find helpful details on the BYU online courses that will look fabulous on your resume.
Six BYU Online Courses to Help Improve Your Resume
ST DEV 317: Career Strategies
Tuition – $366.
Textbook Cost – $35.
Materials Cost – None
College Credits – 2.0
This course can stand alone and you can enroll without being a part of a degree program. It focuses primarily on employment and internship searches. The goal of this course is to help you present yourself successfully. It requires self-exploration so that you can logically plan a job search. The course not only reviews resumes but also teaches cover letters, networking skills, interview skills, employer expectations, and internet research. There are multiple, graded assignments that assist you in completing a personal portfolio. There are also templates for each assignment and you may re-submit any assignment for a fee. The final exam is multiple choice.
ST DEV 318: Graduate School Preparation
Tuition – $366.
Textbook Cost – $20.
Materials Cost – None
College Credits – 2.0
In this course, you are guided to a different type of resume. This is another stand-alone course and the resume that you compose becomes a part of your graduate school application packet. You begin with self-exploration in order to prepare a personal goal statement. You use that statement as the basis for your resume. You also review appropriate references, learn how to perform graduate program research, explore scholarships and financial aid, prepare for entrance exams, and practice interview skills. There are five graded quizzes, any of which may be resubmitted for a fee. There is also a final exam which consists of a combination of multiple-choice questions and five short essays.
OCCUP 041: Preparation for Health Occupations
Tuition – $158
Textbook Cost – None
Materials Cost – $20
College Credits – 0.5
If you are seeking a career in healthcare, you can begin your preparation with this course. The information provides an overview of the different areas of health care systems and trends. You review specific careers and the job seeking skills for each. The resume you write is geared toward the job you seek. You also study medical terminology to develop the vocabulary for specific healthcare occupations and you discuss the laws and ethics that exist in today’s healthcare environment. There are eight graded assignments plus a multiple-choice final exam. You have one year to complete this course.
BusM Courses – Business Language Courses
Tuition – $549.
Textbook Cost – $75.
Materials Cost – Varies
College Credits – 3.0
There are a number of these business language courses that are part of the Business Administration or the Business Management degree program. The goal of these BYU online courses is to improve your marketability in the globalized world. These courses are offered in languages like Spanish and Portuguese and there is a pre-requisite that you have fluency in this foreign language. In addition to learning how to work in and relate to foreign cultures, you learn how to do business in countries that operate primarily in English. Each resume you complete is specific to a particular country. Assignments and exams vary depending on the instructor and you should review the course syllabus before enrolling.
MCOM 320 – Communication in Organizational Settings
Tuition – $549.
Textbook Cost – $23.
Materials Cost – None
College Credits – 3.0
This course reviews all methods of written and oral business communications. The resume is a primary focus because it creates the first impression. Rather than generate original resume content, the course assigns library resources to be used by all students enrolled in the course. Other communication assignments are cover letters, persuasive and bad news letters, a case analysis report, and a business newsletter article. There are eighteen graded assignments, relating to each of these communication tools, plus two exams.
BYU Career Services Department
Tuition – Free
Textbook Cost – None
Materials Cost – None
College Credits – None
This is more an online service than one of the BYU online courses. The basic resume forms and templates can be accessed online for free by anyone, by searching BYU Career Services. You will also find files outlining the steps to complete a successful resume. Using the forms and instructions, you can tailor your resume for a specific job description, college program, or internship. If you are a BYU student, you can submit your sample resume to be critiqued by career services staff. You can also receive in-person assistance with resume writing and general critiques.
These BYU online courses do not simply cover resume writing but offer a wide range of skills. To make the best choice, you need to determine the goal for your resume. You also need to decide if you want to be in a degree program, earn college credits, or simply study for your own personal development. Are you prepared to meet deadlines and complete exams?
You now have the information to begin your search and make those decisions. For more specific details on all BYU online courses, go to their website and scroll through the web pages. Provide your feedback once you’ve visited the site. The opinions you formulate are worth sharing with others.